Heki carries out transdisciplinary projects related to hydroelectric production


The main Tr-FRANCIS objective is to identify, describe and parameterize flow-induced excitations that influence the lifetime of medium-head Francis turbine impellers during start-up sequences and no-load operation through measurements and simulations. Research is centred around a model Francis turbine representing a 140-MW turbine. Tr-FRANCIS will provide a unique and fresh look at fluid-structure interactions in the most commonly set-up turbine type through innovative measurements and simulations.


The BulbT project main focus was the flow behaviour in a bulb turbine. This project used both fine measurements on a scale model and numerical simulation methods to study the flow in a bulb turbine in different regimes such as star-ups. Experimental measurements were carried out at Université Laval; numerical simulations were carried out by industrial partners and research centre students.


The main AxialT objective was to improve the understanding and numerical simulation of the flow in a low-head propeller-type hydraulic turbine. The project placed emphasis on flow measurements in a turbine model and numerical analyses that were performed by Heki partners and students. The knowledge gained from the project enabled turbine manufacturers to design turbines with better dynamic behaviour and enabled hydroelectric companies to optimize electrical power produced to improve production reliability.