Second Tr-FRANCIS workshop

The year 2023 concluded at the Heki Center with the second Tr-FRANCIS workshop. Held on December 18 and 19 at Université Laval, the event brought together over 40 members of the Consortium on Hydraulic Machines from Canada and Europe to share the results of their work on the fluid-structure interactions in Francis turbines. Participants had the opportunity to attend a total of 17 presentations covering measurements and simulations carried out on the Tr-FRANCIS test case, along with the development of numerical models. Different operating regimes, including start-ups, were discussed. Moreover, interesting discussions took place about future measurements on the prototype of the Jean-Lesage power station. On this subject, we would like to highlight the valued presence of Maxime Désilets and Jean-Michel Harrison, Hydro-Québec engineers stationed in the Manicouagan region, where the Jean-Lesage power station is located.

The workshop was also an opportunity for the Consortium’s decision-making committees to accelerate the preparations for the upcoming research program, set to begin next year.

We would like to thank all the participants who contributed to the success of this meeting. We look forward to seeing you again for the third Tr-FRANCIS workshop in 2024!

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